
Steinitz' shrimp goby (Amblyeleotris steinitzi) lives in symbiosis with a shrimp who digs a burrow where the goby watches out for predators. But in this case, there is an additional player involved: a parasitic nudibranch (Gymnodoris nigricolor) munching away on the dorsal fin of the goby.
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Gobiescoidae, Gobioidei, crustacian, Rhinophores, shrimp, Crustaceans, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, shrimps, Weird, sea slug, Symbiotic, Tropical, Gastropods, shrimp goby, Symbiosis, Parasitic, biodiversity, Molluscs, Fish, Mixed Species, South East Asia, Invertebrates, Indo Pacific, crustacean, Colourful, Coral Triangle, goby, gobies, Nudibranchs, Osteichthyes, Marine, South-east-asia, Crustacea, Invertebrate, Underwater, Asia