
Nautilus meat is used for local consumption and shell is sold for a premium to shell merchants. The tough meat is boiled for hours until softened and is often served as soup.
© Jurgen Freund, www.jurgenfreund.com 3872x2592 / 2.7MB
Fisherman, Cephalopods, Souvenier, Deep Sea, Tentacles, Vertical unsustainable, Taking, Indo Pacific, Asian, Islands, Shell, Philippines, Nautilus, Nautilii, Coasts, Cephalopod, Fishermen, Invertebrates, Shells, Primitive, Oceans, Trapping, Invertebrate, Ancient, Mollusc, Hunters, Environmental, Molluscs, Seas, Pacific Ocean, Ocean, Deep, Indo-Pacific, Sea, Asia, Banka, Sulu Sea, South East Asia, Fisheries, Pacific, Living Fossil, Collecting, Depletion, Destructive, Traditional, Traps